Please browse our sponsor & exhibitor opportunities for our upcoming Annual Conference.
For questions, email jenn@imfa.org.
Our Audience
Conference Sponsorships
Exhibitor Tabletop
Sold out
Exhibitor Benefits
- 6 ft Tabletop/Exhibitor display
- Logo on conference webpage and promotions
- Logo on conference presentation and signage
Gold Sponsor
Attendees Dinner
Sold out
Sponsor Benefits
- 3-5-minute speaking opportunity at Attendees Dinner (company introduction)
- Sponsor brochure or one-sheeter at each place setting
- Table tent cards displayed on dinner tables
- Branded drink tickets
- FREE exhibitor booth included
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference and 1 post-conference email blasts to IMFA
- database
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Gold Sponsor
Conference App
Sold out
Sponsor Benefits
- Company sponsor recognition in-app
- Push notification during conference thanking sponsor
- Shout out during Welcome Reception
- FREE exhibitor booth included
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference and 1 post-conference email blasts to IMFA database
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Gold Sponsor
Welcome Reception
Sold out
Sponsor Benefits
- 3–5-minute speaking opportunity at Welcome Reception (company introduction)
- Branded drink tickets
- FREE exhibitor booth included
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference and 1 post-conference email blasts to IMFA database
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
- Company branding at Reception event
Gold Sponsor
Awards Show
Sold out
Sponsor Benefits
- 3–5-minute speaking opportunity at Awards Show (company introduction)
- FREE exhibitor booth included
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Silver Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
one available
Sponsor Benefits
- Signage at lunch
- Napkins at lunch
- Table tent cards displayed on lunch tables
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference email blast to IMFA database
- 25% discount on exhibitor booth
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Silver Sponsor
Attendee Lanyards
Sold out
Sponsor Benefits
- Sponsor logo on all attendee lanyards
- 1 pre-conference email blast to
- IMFA database
- 25% discount on exhibitor booth
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Silver Sponsor
Breakfast Sponsor
two available
Sponsor Benefits
- Signage at breakfast
- Napkins at breakfast
- Table tent cards displayed on breakfast tables
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference email blast to IMFA database
- 25% discount on exhibitor booth
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Silver Sponsor
Company Spotlight
availability limited
Sponsor Benefits
- Video ad that will be played at Welcome Remarks (schedule subject to change)
- Company logo displayed during speaking session breaks
- 1 pre-conference email blast to IMFA database
- 25% discount on exhibitor booth
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Friend Sponsor
Coffee Break Sponsor
two sold; one available
Sponsor Benefits
- 15% discount on exhibitor booth
- Sponsor signage at coffee break
- Sponsored napkins
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Friend Sponsor
Breakout/Presenter Sponsor
open availability
Sponsor Benefits
- 15% discount on exhibitor booth
- Sponsor signage during breakout or presenter session
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference
Friend Sponsor
Offsite Event Sponsor
one available
Sponsor Benefits
- 15% discount on exhibitor booth
- Sponsor branded fishing lure take-home gift to attendees
- Recognition on website & social media
- Recognition on-site at event
- List of conference attendees with contact emails post-conference